
The Internet : The Rise Of The Internet

Better Essays

Throughout the world today, millions of people use the internet multiple times a day. Numerous amounts of articles that stress the fact how the internet is taking over the world. Along with the rise of the internet this information is spread rapidly. The rise of the internet has brought along a fear of technology in the future controlling life, and there are many articles that talk about the specific topic. Some articles also include a main focus of how the internet should be feared either by the illegal or sketchy actions that happens on behind the scene, the way that technology has its own nature through AI, and the easy access to anything on the internet with no true checking for identification on restricted sites. All of these articles have the same underlining theme that the internet can, and most times should be feared. With the fearsome internet security is a large aspect of everyone’s online life.

In the article The Strange Way That People Perceive Privacy Online by Kaveh Waddell, it talks about the findings of Stanislav Mamonov that stated how people secure their passwords, as well these findings are showed after different of articles are displayed to percipients. The internet has many different sides to it and throughout life on it, changing passwords in large, just to make sure all information is secured and kept out of others hands. “If you knew someone was rifling through your things at work…you might go to extra lengths to secure yourself.” (pg 75, Paragraph

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