
The Internet : The Negative Effects Of The Internet

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The world wide web, otherwise called the internet, came about in the 1960s and was primarily used for researchers and academia. But since the 1990s, the internet has had that revolutionary effect on the culture and commerce in our society. This includes communication by email, instant messaging, and internet phone calls. In addition, there is also the world wide web with discussion forums, social networking sites, and online shopping sites, which people, despite their generational differences, utilize to their own benefit. However, these are the icing on the internet cake. Now, the internet, since its its inception remains one of the world's most revolutionary piece of technology. Despite its positives, there are many negatives and the destruction has done more harm than good to the children in society. The internet is a serious topic, where the detriments are commonly overlooked. I personally have been intrigued with the internet for as long as I can remember. From personal uses over the years and through my own research, I can attest its negative influences on me, as well as on society. The internet fosters detrimental effects on the youth by reducing their face to face social skills, spawning poor motor habits, and weakens language skills. The internet, despite its social advancement, has had adverse effects on the children’s social skills. Socialization with children can be very challenging in itself and the many hours children spend on the internet does not alleviate these difficulties. In fact, it has an adverse affect on their social skills. In previous years, the baby boomers generation enjoyed and found great pleasure in things such as going into the mall, visiting friends, and sleepovers. But these days, kids are more introverted or willing to seek face to face interaction. An example of this fits Kiki Ostrenga. As Erdely explained, Kiki’s social life revolved around MySpace, a type of social media, that “she was stuck at home and at a loss as to how to meet new friends” (Erdely). This is caused by the many hours glued to social media sites, chat rooms, and online forums. Many parents can attest to these accusations since they are a primary source in their children’s behaviors. The internet is an

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