
The Internet : The Dangers Of The Internet

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On August sixth 1991, the world wide web had become available to the public. When the internet was first public there was little to nothing one could do with it. Since then, the internet has flourished into one of the biggest roles in society. It is something that is prevalent in everyday life whether it is for work, school, vacation planning, shopping, online dating, etc.. It is hard to imagine a world without the internet especially if one has grown up with it. As impactful it has been some say that the internet is detrimental to today's people and society, but there is only little truth to that. In reality the internet helps people, and has more advantages than disadvantages contrary to the popular belief that they hinder the person. The internet actually helps promote creativity, and overall health. Although, some argue that seeing the same things over and over again on the internet could actually kill creativity. However, seeing everything gives inspiration although it is a bit derivative it is also in a lot of ways going to be original. According to Chamorro an author from the guardian, “because of the internet people are more creative and says that “there has been an explosion of creative activity in the technology space: there are over three million apps, and three hundred hours of YouTube videos are uploaded every minute” (Chamorro). Millions of videos, millions of hard work, effort, and creativity. Almost every creative atmosphere requires the internet. Life

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