
The Internet: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Internet

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The internet has evolved since its inception. Currently, it is a force that has to be reckoned with. Every single system in the world today depends on the internet to some extent. As a media platform, it has led to the ease of access to knowledge and also the ease of sharing the knowledge (Baran 34). By simply clicking on a link or a button, information is shared with anyone and everyone. The idea that the internet is global also makes it a very powerful media tool. Not only is information sharing across different countries faster, but it is also easier. People from Australia, Africa, and Europe are all exposed to the same news at the same time through the internet. In fact, there are persons who are involved in the stock market in other countries and keep tabs on the news about the companies they have invested in through the internet. The essay will analyze the internet as a media tool, stating more of its advantages and disadvantages. …show more content…

Information can then be shared amongst the devices that have been linked to the internet. The internet can be used privately or publicly depending on one’s preferred choice (Gerhards and Mike 152). Information on the internet can be shared in various forms. For instance, people can share videos, documents and even pictures all through the internet. This works by uploading the said information on the media platform and then distributing it as wished. Once information is shared publicly, it is practically impossible to take it down from the internet. This means that as a media platform, it also preserves

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