
The Internet And The Internet

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As a mechanism designed specifically for the most efficient and effective transfer of data as possible, the internet has been built in to modern life. Most individuals in the developed world and many in developing countries rely on it for day to day activities, using it more as a utility than as a good. As such, implementing policy that increases the difficulty of one’s ability to access it essentially changes the way that people live their lives without expressed consent. Moreover, inaction on the part of the Government will effectively create policy that coercively changes the way the social and economic aspects of society interact. Traditionally, governments have been viewed as having just cause under the social contract to intervene under the social contract in order to regulate access to utilities. In the United States, through which most internet traffic moves, this point is extremely important.
On top of this, in Western democracies, governmental action is viewed as most just when done democratically. Generally, in such societies, legal decisions are made by a representative vote – in government, which sets laws, this is done by a democratically elected representative body and in jurisprudence, by a representative jury of peers. This creates legal precedence for that same democratic process to be used when critical legal decisions, such as the one in question about net neutrality, rather than allow the process to be handled by nondemocratic entities. As such, it seems

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