
The Influence Of Stop-And-Frisk Practices

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Stop-and-frisk practices have been an ongoing controversy in the United States for decades. This is one of the most debated and controversial issues in New York City as it impacts police treatment towards minorities, especially African-Americans and Hispanics. I agree with Judge Shira A. Scheindlin’s ruling in an article from The New York Times, (Goldstein, 2013). She ruled “that the stop-and frisk tactics of the New York Police Department violated the constitutional rights of minorities in the city.” After reading the article I believe the judge made the right decision. The judge did her homework. She had written a 195 page paper explaining her decision. Judge Scheindlin found racial profiling to be prevalent in many cases at the Police Department. …show more content…

Ohio ruling of 1968. This ruling states that a police officer can detain without arrest, and frisk for their safety when there is reasonable suspicion that a crime is about to happen. “Terry v. Ohio was the first case in which the Supreme Court approved a search and seizure of an individual in a criminal case under the Fourth Amendment based on reasonable suspicion” (Lippman, 2011 p. 96). However the judge was not disputing the stop-and-frisk policy per say, she was disputing the “taking advantage” of the policy and the misuse of police authority. Judge Scheindlin has had experience in dealing with these types of cases. In Floyd v. City of New York in 2008 there was a class –action lawsuit against being stopped unwarranted. Testimony was given by about 12 black or biracial men and one …show more content…

(Rudy Giuliani, 2007) Quality of life and zero-tolerance policing took effect and with these new standards came a drastic drop in crime. One of the main policy changes was stop and frisk. The stop and frisk policy was adopted from English law in a number of American courts. In accordance with English common law, without statutory provisions, a police officer has the power to stop, question, and frisk suspects given reasonable circumstances. Based on a standard which holds less than probable cause, this power is granted upon the standard of reasonable suspicion. It is a question of circumstances of each individual case that determines whether reasonable detention and investigation is validated The NYPD's stop-and-search has raise genuine worries over racial profiling, unlawful stops and constitutional rights. The Department keeps records and reports on its stop-and-search actions, and it affirm what numerous individuals in groups of color over the city have long known: The police are searching a huge number of well-behaved New Yorkers consistently and most by far are dark and

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