
The Importance Of Physical Fitness

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Understanding the level of fitness a person initially exhibits prior to beginning a fitness regimen is extremely important in helping them improve their well being. Hoeger and Hoeger (2015) include the current methods for testing an individual's baseline of physical fitness include body composition, cardiovascular, flexibility, muscular strength along with endurance benchmarks. Additional important benchmarks such as mental health will be investigated, with research completed by Gomez-Pinilla and Hillman (2013), that connects exercises influence on cognitive ability. Pedersen and Saltin’s (2015) publication of the implementation of exercise to combat chronic disease will help the vast benefits of exercise as a prescribable health option. Getting an evaluation of physical fitness is not something most people will think about when they decide to begin following a fitness regimen, but this can be an important first step in achieving a healthy lifestyle. YMCA locations often offer health assessments, along with physical fitness tests for a small fee. Using the individual's physical attributes to compare them with peers of the same group. Before beginning the exercise portion an examiner will complete a health screening to determine height, weight, resting heart rate, resting blood pressure and a body composition examination. This health screening can be helpful in determining risk factors an individual may be susceptible to based on the test results.
Body composition

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