
The Influence Of Convention On The Rights Of People With Disabilities

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Introduction Hook : This topic has been long avoided, in the world, employment is a critical for people with disabilities. Do you remember the last time you went to the grocery store and noticed people with disabilities working there? Usually disabled people do not have jobs which cause unemployment, no matter how eager they are to work. Dishabilles can cause individuals to face challenges in many areas of their lives. With this disadvantage, they are usually discriminated from what a normal human would have. Claim: Our country is being weighed down by the lack of knowledge of disabled people, every human should have equality and all be treated the same. In society, most people seem to forget this simple fact, that disabled person are people too. People with disabilities deserve the opportunity to be productive citizens and become a part of the workforce because of conventions, the Disabilities Act of 1990, and The Employment Development Department. Evidence 1 : For example, "The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that PWDs (Persons with Disabilities) are in fact also lawfully given the same rights as persons without disabilities,"(Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities). Persuasive Reasoning: With this convention is in place, it implies how every should have an opportunity for a job. When companies decline a person due to their ability, it shows that the company does not treat them equally with the ‘normal’ applicants for

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