
The Importance Of Overcoming Fear

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Imagine every dream you've ever wanted to accomplish, and every goal you hoped to achieve. Now, Imagine never getting to do any of those things. That is what happens to people who are too scared to pursue their dreams, so they lead lives full of longing for something they never get. The greatest obstacle most people face in achieving their dreams is self doubt, and if they could overcome their own fears, they would lead much happier lives. Fear. It takes hold of even the strongest man when he least expects it. The crippling feeling of self doubt, the constant nagging thoughts of ¨do I dare?¨, ¨should I even try?¨ can lead to anxiety and other mental health issues. The key to overcoming fear and self doubt is tackling the problem head on. There´s no one solution to every fear, but by doing what is scary and not letting it stop them, people can overcome almost anything. For example, if you're scared of rejection, apply to one of the most famous colleges in the world. It won't hurt to try, and if you are accepted you get a great education. Simple exercises like that can help boost confidence and reduce your anxiety about achieving what you want in life. That’s the best part about pushing past your fears, the feelings of pride and accomplishment resulting from doing something difficult.

Overcoming fears leads to unfathomable delight, and a more fulfilling life. It is crucial to seize all of the opportunities presented in life because they often only come around once.

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