
The Importance Of Negative Body Image

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Approximately ⅓ of Americans are unfit. Being unfit causes a poor body image, health issues, and a lower amount of activity, which can result in obesity. Being fit helps people have a positive body image, health benefits, and higher amounts of activity. Whether you're fit or not, both can greatly affect you. Being fit and unfit differs in many ways such as; body image, health, and the amount of activity each person does. Body image is defined as the subjective picture or mental image of one's own body, which greatly differs among the fit and unfit individuals. Body image has a powerful effect on all. “Negative body image has grown to almost epidemic proportions in the past 20 years, with as many as 60 percent of adults in national studies saying they don't like the way their bodies look” (Hausenblas). Many people are dissatisfied with the way their bodies look, so they turn to numerous products such as diet pills, and cosmetic procedures. Body image isn’t always negative. Studies show, people who exercise rather than those who don’t, feel much better about their bodies. How does body image affect people? Body image is both internal and external, the internal is how we personally feel about our bodies, and external is how society perceives our bodies. Nowadays, how we look has a huge societal importance, possibly more than it ever has. The media is serving as a platform on how we should look. When we're constantly on social media and seeing perfect images of others, it

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