
The Importance Of Hispanic And Hispanic Cultures In America

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America is a growing country with people and technological advancements. As the country grows, the population increases, which involves a mixture of cultures. Hispanic and Latino Americans now stand at 17% of the population, which is the smallest percentile. (Latino/Hispanic Culture in the U.S...Interchange) Even though Hispanics and Latinos are the smallest ethnic group, they have influenced America. Through traditions and cuisines, the culture is changing and adjusting to modern America, which changes the originality of the culture. The cultural changes have also occurred in their celebrations, superstitions, and family. Traditions that began generations ago are still evolving and prospering.
Hispanics are widely known for their festivals, which consist of bright colors and celebration. A common celebration that is thrown is called a quinceanera, which is a coming of age party thrown for a girl turning fifteen. The family goes all out and the average cost is anywhere between $5000 to $20000.(HIspanic Traditions) She wears a pastel colored dress, receives a quinceanera doll, dances with male family members, and receives gifts. She will choose fourteen male friends and fourteen female friends to escort her to the dance, they are called damas and chambelanes. This traditional event is meant for most hispanic girls, but because of the expenses a majority of families only throw one for the eldest daughter. The American version is a sweet sixteen, where a party

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