
The Importance Of Diversity In Language Learning

Decent Essays

Our understanding of language, as languages educators becomes part of our professional stance and, as such, influences our curriculum, planning and classroom pedagogies. Teachers who view language simply as code make acquiring grammar and vocabulary the primary, if not the only, goal of language learning. Within such a limited approach, students do not begin to engage with language as a communicative reality but simply as an intellectual exercise or as a work requiring memorising.“It is primarily a conventional symbol system concerned with communication or coorperation between people” (Lyons, 1981) “Individual and social (Gee & Hayes, 2011) – people talk like others and yet all have their own style (Bakhtin, 1981, 1986). Every language shares the same basic design properties – nouns, verbs, sentences, and clauses (Chomsky, 1965).
Language is not just a set of rules that tells us how to talk with the correct grammar. “A cognitive phenomenon – a set of ‘rules’ in our minds or brains that tells us how to speak grammatically” (Clark, 1996) and “Cannot be thought of as only a system of formal elements; have to take into account its functions (Brumfit, 1994)
‘Variety is the spice of life’. Diversity makes life interesting and gives it all its flavour. This phrase comes from William Cowper's poem, “The Task” (1785). I believe in this saying as it is totally true and as a current Early Childhood Educator, I am embedding awareness and appreciation for different culture in my daily

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