
The Importance Of Creativity In Education

Good Essays

Creativity is important not only to the individual, but society as a whole. Creative minds are more likely to be innovators, think of new programs and regulations for our government, as well as being able to create art that can bring joy to others. In modern education, much of the standardized curriculum now taught in schools encourages convergent thinking instead of divergent thinking, which is the ability to have alternative solutions to a situation whereas convergent thinking has only one. These essential pieces of the education system set a basis for what students are expected to know and understand before leaving the grade level. This is important because it allows teachers and admissions to place students in the correct classes for their academic enhancement. Classes such as English Language Development, remedial, and even honors classes cater to the students’ lack of knowledge in particular subjects and help them develop in order to succeed in the next grade level. However, with the increase in standardized curriculum the creativity in children has declined.
According to the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) the creativity scores in children in grade levels kindergarten through twelfth grade, have dropped drastically over the past two decades (Psychology The main cause of this decline in creative ability has been due to the increased pressures resulting from standardized tests and curriculums. I believe standardization forces teachers and

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