
The Imbalance Between Uniformity And Diversity

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To match beliefs about diversity with practice, it becomes necessary to address the imbalance between uniformity and diversity. Australia is the biggest example of having multiculturalism. In 2011, the Census revealed that over a quarter (26%) of Australia 's population was born overseas and a further one fifth (20%) had at least one overseas-born parent. This pattern of migration is evident in the make up of the richly diverse society that has been recorded in the 2011 Census. This diversity can be seen in the variety of languages, religions, ancestries and birthplaces reported by Australians (Australian Bureau of Statistics- 21 June 2102). Migration is social, cultural, technological, political and economic integration, which also have …show more content…

A child builds his basic life concepts at Primary age and when he is moved to a different environment that never existed in his conceptual knowledge, it brings difficulty to him in adjustment. This adjustment issues often lead the students with low self-esteem and they start feeling neglected. Most of the immigrated students in Australia have different culture, different religious beliefs and different language. Most sensitive dimension of diversity in schools is different religious beliefs of the students. Equity in schools cannot be achieved by ignoring the different religious beliefs of its students.

To claim equity in schools it is necessary to eradicate the social injustice issues with the students having different religious beliefs. Talking about religious diversity in a classroom, here is an example.
Upon entering his classroom during homeroom period, Mr. Ortiz, an eighth grade teacher, noticed several students crowded around two of their peers, Nikhil and Jasper. Nikhil was the boy who immigrated to Australia the previous year and was a Hinduism follower. Nikhil and Jasper were arguing about something Nikhil was wearing. Mr. Ortiz asked the other student to explain the situation. Mr. Ortiz came to know that Nikhil was wearing a swastika pendant in the memory of her late grandmother, but that pendant was something similar to Nazi symbol which created disruption to some students. Mr. Ortiz asked Nikhil if he knew

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