
The History Of Slavery

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Clara had seen slave auctions before back on Earth; they were ugly things, she thought. She had witnessed people of all ages, including children, yet they had all been black. But this was a different time in a different world with a different set of societal rules. The Roo slaves had golden tanned bodies. In today’s auction they were all males, virile young bucks that had just completed their dickling training. The bidders were women who were appreciative of the sexual value of the Roo male bucks, usually sold for ten times the amount of the Roo female.
Clara was curious to see what goes on at one of these events. She had heard today’s auction would take most of the day. The weather was nice, a typical day in the tropical paradise of …show more content…

Several hundred Roo bucks scheduled for auction had formed a single line per the direction of several female auction attendants. Without any exceptions, each of them was naked.

Clara had learned that male nudity is an important part of the female experience for the women of Garth. It was some sort of matriarchal edict. She had never seen anything like it before, but she did not have a problem with the concept. She had found the nudity of the males fascinating and delightfully entertaining. A glance from a distance at the naked Roo bucks confirmed her interest. They were a sight to behold, thought Clara. And a twinge of excitement she experienced felt good.

Finally, a woman with a microphone dressed in matriarchal business attire approached and stepped up to the platform. She announced the bidding rules. They allowed prospective bidders to come up to the platform, physically examine, and evaluate each slave before the actual bidding began. In the interest of time she asked bidders not to come up unless they were prepared to bid subject to their approval after examination.

Roos remain unnamed until they are sold. Their only form of identification is their slave number branded near their ankles and included in a small computer chip embedded in the sex organs region. Once a woman purchases a Roo, she has the option of designating a name if she wishes.

A female auction attendant used a rope to lead the first buck,

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