
The Hippocratic Oath Of Medical Ethics Essay

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A huge problem in our society is the fact that too many people seek rash change. Individuals in our society look to stray from founding principles and ideas without much thought or research. For example, the Hippocratic oath is an oath embodying a code of medical ethics usually taken by those about to begin medical practice” (Merriam-Webster). Hippocrates lived around 400 BC and is universally considered the father of medicine. Those going into medical practice have repeated the principles he laid out in his oath for centuries. These principles set the expectation and standards for anyone in the medical field. Additionally, the oath clearly asserts, “I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art” (Medicinenet).
Hippocrates showed great credibility in his lifetime for his work in medicine. Consequently, he is undoubtedly considered one of the biggest, most acclaimed, and most renowned authorities in medicine and has been since ancient times in Greece. While, he was extremely knowledgeable about medicine and medical practices, he showed a profound insight in ethics. Because of this, doctors all around the world have looked to his oath as the guiding principles every doctor should strive to hold him or herself to. Moreover, some of the best doctors have held themselves to these standards. We have seen

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