
The Fourteenth Amendment

Decent Essays

The original writers of the Constitution had to have noticed the overlap in enumerated powers. Having only the Commerce Clause or only the Tenth Amendment would not harbor the best outcomes. Both are entirely necessary and exist to limit each other. Discretion is the deciding factor for determining which power trumps the other. In McColloch v. Maryland, for example, a state tax on the U.S. Bank would cause negative externalities against all citizens of other states. This is not in the best interest of the majority, or even Maryland in the long haul, to tax the US Bank. The key is to reach the best outcome in terms of majority. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Nonetheless, there are definite benefits under the protection of the Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment allows states of different backgrounds, structure, and economic status to operate in a manor that is most effective for them. Citizens of the state of New York have, generally speaking, very different views, opportunities, and resources, as compared to Texas. Why should a federal power restrict both states to the same principles? Better yet, the federal government is not going to know what works best for either state because they are not involved in state matters. It is similar to having the USDA enforce identical conservation methods in two entirely different parcels of land. If the USDA requires no-till farming practices on both segments of land, one may benefit, but the other may not. The

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