
The Flaws in Our Education System

Decent Essays

What is it that’s making our country suffer from excelling in education? Very few would argue about the importance of our education system today. Issues such as lazy teachers, lack of parent involvement, and teaching useless information in class may hinder progress in today’s education system. An education plays a crucial role and is an essential tool, unfortunately, with all the jaded judgments; our students are not able to value their education. A proper education can open the doors to many opportunities that would have never been possible if it had not been for the knowledge and preparation that one received while in school. With the growing economy and desperate times, it is more important than ever for our country’s children to receive the proper education and training that is needed to allow them to acquire a good job and produce the revenue needed to live. Today's education system is flawed in many ways, and these flaws should be eliminated to ensure a good education for our future generation.
Unfortunately, there are many problems that our education system is facing today, and several of them are having negative effects on the quality of the education our students are receiving. Would you feel comfortable fifty years from now, when the children who are victim of the disadvantages of teacher attention, lack of parent involvement and a majority of their education being how to take a high stakes test, are running this country? How sound would you sleep knowing that

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