
The Financial Crisis Of 2008

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the agency created after the financial meltdown of 2008, has taken aim at the cash advance loan industry almost since the agency opened its doors. The CFPB 's latest attack is in the form of proposed rules that many people believe would "regulate cash advance loans out of existence." The proposed rules would apply to every lender whether they make online cash advances or operate a brick-and-mortar store. Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly expressed his antipathy for the CFPB and the law that created the agency, the Dodd-Frank Act. Now that Trump has won the presidential election, many people are wondering whether the cash advance loan industry might benefit under his administration.

Will the Trump Administration Help the Beleaguered Cash Advance Loan Industry?
Dismantling an independent federal agency is no easy task. Trump would need support in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, and although Republicans control both, Trump would likely need to win support from at least eight Democrats in the Senate to see Dodd-Frank repealed. While he has a powerful ally in Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Hensarling 's focus is primarily on the parts of the Dodd-Frank Act that restrict banks ' trading activities and subject banks to liquidity and capital requirements.

Even if Trump cannot help lenders who offer cash advance loans by repealing Dodd-Frank, however, he may be able to assist the industry by focusing on the CFPB. For

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