
The Federal Reserve Act Single Handedly Broke

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The Federal Reserve This brings us to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private entity that is not connected or governed by the United States. It came into existence in 1913 by the Federal Reserve act. Many people believed are still believe it is a part of our government. Sadly, they are greatly mistaken. It originated from Jekyll Island are very wealthy people gathered to create it for their own selfish and personal gain from which only they controlled. The founding fathers stated clearly in the Constitution that there should never be a central bank and that gold and silver should be legal tender. The Federal Reserve act single-handedly broke this law with the issuance of paper currency. The main consensus would be that the American people would now be able to store their gold and silver or “wealth” “safely” inside these banks behind both doors for a small fee. In return they would be given paper notes correlating with the amount of gold or silver they deposited in the bank. If they were to spend these notes at a merchant 's store the marching could then decide to go to the bank and deposit the notes for the equivalent in gold or silver. It was such a great system that other countries decided to trust it and store their gold in US banks. In return they also got US dollars. Seems like a pretty solid monetary system right? Well it was for a while, until certain people started to become greedy. The people with control and power took advantage of the system. Think

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