One of the most important social institutions that has survived the test of time is the family. Will and Ariel Durant quoted that “the family is the nucleus of civilization”. Family is a unit of two or more persons united by marriage, blood, adoption or consensual union, in general consulting a single household, interacting and communicating with each other (Desai, 1994). A family is an important unit of society because of its power to influence the individual, household and community behaviour (Sriram, 1993). In India, family is a prized recognition and is an important determinant of one’s identity. This is primarily because one’s socio-demographic elements have also been thought to reflect one’s standing in the society. Also, India is a collectivistic culture and emphasizes the importance of the idea of a collectivistic form of living where family integrity, family loyalty, and family unity is highly valued.
Industrialization is often considered by the world economies as the vehicles of change in a modern world. More and more countries are becoming industrialized in the expectation of better development and growth. India too is following the same lead. The phenomenon of urbanization has been growing steadily in India and currently 31% of India’s population are inhibited in urban areas in 2011 as compared to 27.81% in 2001 (GOI, Census of India, 2011). The arrival of industrialization and subsequent urbanization has led to migration to urban areas, the growth of slums, and
The essay starts with a very simple definition of a family, accompanied by an explanation of the relationship between family structure and the strength of the link between different people forming the family in question. The introduction has been put in a simple language to provide a fluid understanding of what the reader should expect throughout the text. Literal tools like proverbs and similes have been applied. There is a clear language connection of cultural legacy and a family unit where the authors explain that legacy in the society does not determine how different ethnicities connect with the family unit. Gertsel and Sarkasian believe that deliberations made on family responsibilities tend to pay more attention to nuclear family as opposed to the general family unit. The language used here implies that the general meaning of extended family unit is ignored or in some cases misrepresented.
First, according to Macionis (2004) the term family is defined as a social institution found in all societies that unite people in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children. Same author also discusses several theoretical approaches have been identified that identifies the family as a form of social institution and how the family unit interconnect with other social institutions within any given society. According to the Structural-Functional Analysis for example, the family serves as a unit that perform many vital tasks
This article shows the many different ways in which the makeup of Family has changed in the 20th century as an Institution. It shows many ways in which Nellie McClung has fought for every definition of family to be accepted. The definition of family is a group of persons who form a household. This definition has changed greatly over time, it used to be more specifically anyone who was biologically related to you. This article goes over the main points of social change that have occurred in this primary social Institution. These changes include social customs concerning dating, divorce, family, marriage, women's rights. It also looks at people’s social life and customs that are now considered “normal”, as well as children and family. It also looks at the global impact that occurs from each of these points that have changed the way we view this primary institution and the way that we define family. The author concludes that during the 20th
Family Roles and Organization. Indian families are considered to be a close knit family unit. The man (the father and/or husband) is always considered the head of household. There is also a significant value placed on higher education and success for their children.
In The Way We Never Were, Stephanie Coontz suggests that society romanticizes past generations of family life and points out that these memories are merely myths that prevent us from “dealing more effectively with the problems facing today’s families” (Coontz x). Coontz proposes that researchers can take empirical data and create misleading causality for that data, thus feeding cultural myth and/or experience. Coontz believes that “an overemphasis on personal responsibility for strengthening family values encourages a way of thinking that leads to moralizing rather than mobilizing for concrete reforms” (Coontz 22). She calls on us to direct our attention to social reforms, which can be accomplished by avoiding victim-blaming
The family is the first institution of the five basic social institutions. It is responsible for developing the behavior of each person to be interactive individuals in society. It is responsible for supplying the basic needs of each person during their development. Unfortunately, the image of family has been deteriorated considerably. Instead of being a system support for people, it has become a double edged sword. Society is at fault for how bad the concept of family is today. It is just takes watching the news on television or to reading the newspaper to realize this. We can see headlines like "Father abused his daughter", “Woman is victim of domestic violence", "Child suicide due to
A family is “a set of people related by blood, marriage or some other agreed-upon relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society.” (Schaefer, 2009) A family is considered a social institution. This social institution is one that can be applied to all three sociological theories which are functionalism, conflict, and interactionism.
The discipline of Sociology has long been interested in the study of human behavior. This interest grows from the sociological conception of relationships which distinguish the individual and differentiate him from other members of society. Through the ages, man has been influenced by social interaction and cultural surroundings. Sociologists have also recognized that a social institution consists of a concept and a structure, and that this structure is a framework made up of permanent relationships. The family is a social institution consisting of a certain structure. In earlier times, society defined “families” as “close-knit, internally organized cooperative
This joint family, like any social organization, must face problems such as acceptable division of work, relationships and specific family roles. These familial relationships are managed on the basis of a secular hierarchical principle. In fact, all Indians owe respect and obedience to the head of the family, who usually is the father or the oldest man of the family community. In The Gift of a Bride: A Tale of Anthropology, Matrimony and Murder by Nanda and Gregg, it is explained that, “females [are] placed under the perpetual guardianship of first their fathers and elder brothers, then their husbands.” (Nanda & Gregg 22) Thus, all the spending decisions, studies and profession, or marriage, are exclusively the responsibility of the father after the possible discussions with the other men of the family. Age and sex are the basic principles of this hierarchical system. The eldest sons enjoy greater unchallenged authority than their cadets. Of course men have more authority than women, but older married women have an important role within the family. In fact, the authority of a woman depends on the rank of her husband inside the group. Traditionally, the wife of the patriarch rules over domestic affairs and has considerable power over the other women in the community, especially her daughters- in-law.
Family is a very vital social group for any individual as well as society. It is the focal point around which life of every individual revolves. The day usually starts with family and also ends with family but in between we used to discharge our professional, social commitment. The desire to be with the family reflects the strong emotional bond individual share with family. Family is the basic unit of society and in its most simplest form it may consist of a husband, wife and children .In a broader sense it may refers to all relatives of several generations may be connected to each other by blood, marriage or adoption .The married couple not only lives under one roof but also stay connected physically, mentally, emotionally, socially moreover financially. They are supposed to complement each other by meeting need and aspirations of each other. A family basically based on the institution of marriage. So it is very much significant on the part of both husband and wife primarily about the need to have a healthy functional behavior for a life time to meet the commitment they are extending to each other.
Society is composed of many elements based on values, traditions, cultures, government’s policies etc.; and family is one of the main basic ingredients, forming the society. Therefore, as the society changes its element, family is also forced to change the flow of life. Yet, during the past 50 years, our society has undergone big social transformations which are seen as “dramatic and unparallel changes” or a “veritable revolution”. Thus, the two basic forms of family, the extended family and the
Family is important in every culture, it shapes people and makes them who they are.
Marriage and the traditional family unit is key to the success of any society even today in the United States. Family is the building block of civilization; Furth more, higher civilization is not possible without family, which is male and female marriage (Prager). Family’s make up cities, cities make up provinces or states, states make up nations. The family unit is a
Family is one of the hardest words to define. There are many definitions and thoughts of what a family consists of. When one accepts the definition of the census family given by Statistics Canada then a family becomes “a married couple and the children, if any… a couple living common law and the children, if any… a lone parent with at least one child living in the same dwelling… grandchild living with grandparents but no parents present… Census families can be opposite or same sex and children may be adopted, by birth, or marriage and all members must be living in the same dwelling” (Baker 2014). With family being such a difficult term to agree on, the creation of a complex study of family life emerges. The factors that influence family life are put into three theory categories; Social Structure, Interpersonal Factors, as well as Ideas, Global Culture, and Public Discourse.
Institutionalized ideas of a successful lifestyle have been perpetuated in society throughout time. Each generation faces newly refined perimeters of righteous behaviors that have been affected by progressive ideas, technological advancements, and traditional beliefs. These components and more, play a role in creating a public image of a family structure. Essentially, families are key representatives of society. The posterchild family structure of society depicts values held by a generation, and promoted throughout the means of mass marketing during that time. Every citizen is considered to be held accountable to the societal standards of correct human behavior and ideology. These standards have an impact on freedom, marriage, work, education and children. My family structure is grass rooted in Punjab, India. The dominant religion, political structure, public institution, and societal ideology have differences and similarities with those of America’s.