
The Existence Of Evil And Evil

Good Essays

The existence of evil in the world caused people to questioned the existence of the perfect God. If God was truly omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good, then why would he let terrible things happen to good people? In recent news, we have witnessed many innocent deaths caused by a school shooting, a child raped, natural disaster, and other tragic events. If God was in control of everything, does this means that he allows these bad things to happen to humanity? This suffering seems to conflicts with the images of a perfect God. It is important for Christian to acknowledged that God did not cause evil and that he is still the same loving God. To understand why God, allow evil and suffering among humanity, we must inspect the theodicy ( the doctrine that will explain the suffering happening in the world) or the problem of evil. It is important to be able to understand and define the problems of evil. Second, we will reflect upon the characteristic of the Lord and his power, on his ability to prevent evil. Lastly, I will also share my position on this particular theological problem.
Approaches on Evil
Christians often focus on the good rather than evil. Many theologies were formed to protecting God from being the victim of creating evil. According to Mackie, “God is omnipotent and God is wholly good, and yet evil exist” (Mackie, 1955, pp.210). Mackie illustrated the contradiction between the three approaches. He believes that if the first two position is correct then the

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