
The European Union

Decent Essays

There are few glaring events that will go down in history as the defining geopolitical events of this century. Great Brittan’s recent results from a referendum heldon on June 23, 2016 to decide if it should leave the European Union (EU) is one such glaring event. Brexit, the acronym for this referendum, is synonymous with the contemporary populist sentiment supporting nationalism, economic autonomy, curbing immigration, and defying elitist politicians who do not understand the reality of the working classes. As a result of feelings of lost power and economic insecurity by the working class people, the citizens of Britain voted 52% to 48% to leave the EU in hopes of industrial reform. It was a surprise even to those who voted yes to the referendum. Britten has a new Prime Minister, Theresa May, who still needs to work out how the exit will be negotiated within a two year time period. While many Brits believe leaving the union will give back hope to Britain as a country that the EU had taken away, there remain several issues from this vote that have created great uncertainty in Britain and in the world at large. First, the memorandum is being challenged in court, because it should have been an act of parliament. This will delay the Prime Minister’s initiation of the Article 50 process that parts Britten from the EU. Second, Britten is divided over the result; those who voted against leaving (the urban elite and younger workers) feel betrayed by the older workers who they

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