
The European Union

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The History:
Brexit is the abbreviation nickname given to the 2016 referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to leave their membership in the European Union. In order for the vote to be official they must use a little known provision in their membership clause with the European Union called the Article 50 or the Lisbon Treaty. The European Union was a political and economic cooperation where participating countries used their collective financial and social practices to strengthen social and economic stability. “The European Union began in 1951 as the European Coal and Steel Community, an effort by six nations to heal the fissures of World War II through duty-free trade. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community, or Common Market” (Erlanger 2015). On February 20th 2016 David Cameron Britain’s Prime Minister proposed the Referendum for England that would allow a vote to remain or leave the European Union. While David Cameron is in favor of staying in the European his actions prompted many including London’s Mayor Boris Johnson and Justice Secretary Boris Johnson to pledge their support for the Leave campaign. Many Britons who voted to leave were worried about increasing strain of European Markets including those found in Greece who were under incredible financial strain from internal economic policies that threatened the entire region. However “This didn 't affect the UK directly, as it uses the pound rather than the Euro. But some Britons

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