
The Ethics Of Intelligence Tests Essay

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Assessments have the ability to be tremendously useful in various settings for countless reasons across the globe. This is especially true for the educational setting. School counselors, school psychometrists, and school psychologists will utilize several tests throughout their careers. However, in order for assessments to be valuable and produce meaningful results, the test user has to carefully choose the assessments they provide. It is essential that the individual who selects the tests does research to validate that the tests being administered are appropriate for the situation. The Stanford-Binet caught my interest and I elected to study this particular assessment to expand my knowledge of intelligence tests. The aim of this paper is to be able to explain the purpose of the assessment, the age range of the test, the test make-up and format, the standardization sample used for norming, reliability and validity, as well as other important aspects of the Stanford-Binet. Before the Stanford-Binet became what it is today, it was first called the Binet-Simon Scale. Alfred Binet believed intelligence was a multifaceted trait that could be determined by assessing an individual’s reasoning and problem-solving skills. In 1905, he and a colleague developed the first assessment of mental ability titled the Binet-Simon Scale (Miller, Lovler, & McIntire, 2013, p. 9). Binet was exceedingly influential to psychologists world-wide and the assessment he co-developed was utilized in

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