
The Effects Of Emotional Abuse

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The effects emotional abuse has on a victim will stick with them for their entire life. Even the smallest event can, and usually will, trigger horrific memories that create anxiety and makes it a struggle to interact with others. It causes the victim to withdraw from society because they feel they are not worry of social interaction. When a person is repeatedly told they are stupid, worthless or any other degrading comments, they begin to believe them. Even worse, they start to believe they deserve the comments and think they have to change who they are as a person to fit the expectations of the abuser. Over time, emotional abuse changes how a person thinks and feels. Their beliefs start to model after the person attacking them. This tends to make it hard to separate from their attackers. They become trapped in a hostile environment because they are taught that …show more content…

It can make a person truly think they are worthless instead of just having a feeling. When the abuser uses mental abuse it can be a form of control, jealousy, manipulation or even a hostile environment. Mental abuse can be very intimidating. (Rogers, 2014) It gets to the point that the assailant does not even have to speak; the victim becomes so scared of punishment that they do what is expected of them. When emotional abuse changes over to mental abuse, the attacker is reinforcing their control over the victim. The mental attacks are meant to force the victim to completely change how they think and act. This removes all free will and encourages behavior that matches the assailant’s expectations and desires. This is why victims of domestic abuse become trapped in a relationship and only those closest to the victim recognizing the changes in the person. When the victim manages to get free from the person abusing them, if they are able to get away, they are no longer the same

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