
The Effects Of Divorce On Children 's Mental Health And Development

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Children need intact families to flourish. It is hard to imagine that if the family is torn apart, a child can simply adjust to a new situation, home, step-parent, siblings, and entire change of life as they know it without suffering significant effects upon their mental health and development lacks. Despite voices that serve to minimize the effects of divorce on children, this paper will show that the negative effects upon their mental health and development are such that the best solution is to avoid divorce all together. According to Stinson and Jones, “well-being on the road to adulthood for both children and teens hinges on family relationships.” For the sake of discussion, let us agree that by family relationships, Stinson and Jones are referring to the traditional family relationships of two spouses committed to a lifelong, monogamous, heterosexual marriage and their children. Stinson and Jones say that children are dependent on these “families” for their well-being and successful transition to adulthood yet the traditional family is in serious danger.


Harvey and Fine say, in their book on the effects of divorce on children, that divorce has increased at a “contagious rate since 1980.” They argue that divorce in America is a “cultural burden of vast proportions,” and insist that the “pain extends beyond the persons who dissolve their relationships to children, parents, and dear friends.” Harvey and Fine

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