
The Drug Of Illicit Drugs

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During the financial crisis in Mexico in 1995, it was estimated that the country’s earning from oil exports was equivalent to the same amount of money involved in the laundering of drugs and that major drug cartels in Mexico continually rake in profits in the region of ten to thirty billion dollars annually (UNESCOPRESS 2002). This goes to highlight the huge underworld of dealings in illicit drugs, not just in Mexico but globally. Following the UN Conventions of 1961, 1971 and 1988 states internationally, in particular the US, have waged an arguably failing war on drugs with one of the underlying motives being the reduction of drug-related crime. Such crimes range from addicts trying to feed their expensive habit through thefts, burglary …show more content…

The drugs in question are the 250 or so drugs deemed illegal by the UN conventions. Yet a focus on the licit nature of one of the most powerful drugs, alcohol, will be important in understanding the effects drugs have on crime and the lessons that can be learnt from alcohol prohibition in the past.
One of the main perpetrators of drug related crimes are drug addicts who seek to fund their expensive habits by committing crimes. First of all, it is important to note that despite the common perception of the drug abuser being a lifeless junkie with no real ambitions research has shown that most users of illicit drugs are independent individuals who are able to lead ordinary lives (Bennetto and Todd 1997). The minority of illicit drug users who do suffer from addiction and consequently engage in crime to fund their costly addictions have predominantly been found not to be acting out of violent impulses, but more out of motivation for money to purchase drugs. Research has shown that most crimes instigated by addicts have been of a peaceful nature and suggest a greater use of wit than force (Goldstein 1985: 5). What’s more, the characteristics attributed to drug abusers, such as paranoia, introversion and psychotic tendencies have been deemed to be under specific character traits that can be equally attributed to any criminal, even those who do not take drugs. Comparisons of drug addicted prisoners to non-addicted prisoners has shown that

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