
The Domestic Violence Field At First Essay

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The domestic violence field at first was, was a field I never saw myself interested in. Now, after the trauma in my past I have met some incredible people who work in this field and perform amazing work by helping these people. My therapist Erin Scholezenski, is a trauma therapist that only works with children and adults that have suffered trauma through domestic violence, self-harm, rape, verbal and physical abuse and major trauma events such as the Aurora Movie Theater Shooting. She has her own private practice in Parker, Co and is the Director at Aurora Mental Health Center off Parker and Hampden. Going into this interview, I went in knowing some background of domestic violence but not knowing how this field can impact the therapist that is helping these clients get past their trauma. I wanted to know how domestic violence has affected her life and why she stopped working with perpetrators. I made this my main focus of the interview. At the beginning of the interview, I had a series of questions I wanted to ask her. Since I see her for personal one on one therapy, I had set up a meeting instead of having this discussion during one of my sessions. The first question to start off the interview was “How has working with domestic violence clients affected your well-being?” Erin immediately stated saying this “field has changed her life”. Erin quotes “to work with domestic violence or any trauma clients you need to have a very strong since of self-worth, if I didn’t know

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