
The Divorce Rate Of America

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Divorce Rate
Throughout time, practices that were once never used, become more common. In the 1600s divorce was a forbidden practice or a last resort. Since then, laws have changed, and so hasn’t the stigma related with divorce. The guilt and fault that divorce once carried has vanished. According to the book Should I Keep Trying to Work it out, “In the United States, researchers estimate that 40%–50% of all first marriages will end in divorce or permanent separation. The risk of divorce is even higher for second marriages, about 60%.” (Hawkins 42). As it became more common for couples in America to separate, divorce gradually became a normal part of so many lives. Why are so many couples separating now? Through research on EBSCO, and other findings, I will attempt to explain this question that so many people ask in today’s world. The divorce rate in America is drastically increasing over time due to new laws, certain generations, and relationship issues.

The History Of Divorce Law In The USA | History Cooperative. (2014, May 29). Retrieved April 26, 2016, from
The earliest occurrence of divorce law was in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay in 1629. The committee that dealt with divorce matters made it possible for couples to divorce mainly under the circumstances of adultery or abandonment. During these times, divorce was highly uncommon. In the 19th century, divorce became a little more common, but

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