
The Diverse Nature of Psychology Essay examples

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The Diverse Nature of Psychology
The American Psychological Association has identified 54 divisions within the field of psychology (Plante, 2011). Each division has stemmed from one of the seven major perspectives: psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, sociocultural, biological, and evolutionary. This diversity within psychology, allows psychologists the ability to expand in all areas of explanation, assessment, and diagnoses, which furthers the science of psychology through many different subfield specialties.
Influence on Psychology’s Major Concepts Diversity is off great influence on the major concepts in psychology. The cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, and humanistic perspectives provide diverse explanations and …show more content…

Clinical psychologist must be vigilant when assessing patients that fit into the new American family mold (Plante, 2011)
Industrial–Organizational Psychology Industrial/Organizational psychology is derived from industrial psychology and organizational psychology. The industrial side of the field strives for efficiency within a company by taking on a managerial perspective to ensure that human resources are being utilized (Spector, 2012). The organizational side of the field strives to ensure that employee morale is where it needs to be and the employees are properly taken care of (Spector, 2012). Like clinical psychology, I/O psychology is a scientific based specialty. I/O psychology is concerned with the scientific principles found in the workplace and not the emotional problems of the employees (Spector, 2012). With a shift in demographics in the last decade, workplace diversity has become one of the main concerns for companies. Diversity is now based upon race, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, and sexual orientations. A diverse company will seek individuals who bring “unique perspectives or outlooks to the organization” (Shackelford, 2003). Workplace diversity allows for each individual to have an equal chance no matter what his or her demographic is. Diversity in the workplace also shows that the company is not discriminatory. Motivation is an individual’s internal drive that prompts him or her to perform a desired behavior. Employee

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