
The Curious Incident Of The Dog

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The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time
The novel The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon is about a boy named Christopher John Francis Boone. He struggles with a high functioning form of autism known as asperger 's. Christopher excels in the subjects of math, geography, and in both reading and solving murder mysteries. The book begins with Christopher finding his neighbor 's dog: Wellington, dead on their front lawn, with a garden fork in his stomach. Christopher then investigates this crime but uncovers much more than who killed Wellington the Poodle. As the novel progresses, discoveries about both Christopher and the people in his life are revealed, as well who killed Wellington which happened to be none other than Christopher 's father. Christopher is so interested in this murder because he likes dogs, one of the main reasons he likes dogs so much is: dogs don’t tell lies, unlike people. Lies are laced throughout the entire novel, and Christopher slowly finds out that almost everyone in his life has lied to him in one way or another. How ever Mark Haddon portrays that people tell lies with good intentions at heart. This novel is based on the lies that make up Christopher 's life. The irony is: Christopher hates lies, he prefers dogs to people because dogs cannot talk and therefore cannot tell lies. How ever Christopher is living with autism which provides him with great difficulties when it comes to comprehending anything that has to

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