
The Cultural Experience Of The Biennale Of Sydney

Decent Essays

‘If each era posits its own view of reality, what is ours?’ – Stephanie Rosenthal

Sydney’s 20th Biennale is entitled The future is already here- it’s just not evenly distributed, where it explores the ideas about technology, virtual reality, science fiction and the ways in which individuals and communities are living in an increasingly digital and technological world. This theme was inspired by an American-Canadian science fiction writer. The artistic director, Stephanie Rosenthal investigates the relationship we have with technology and the power it holds to transport us to another world allowing new concepts and opportunities to arise however it also removes us from our environment and physical bodies.

The aims of the Biennale of Sydney is to allow inventive and creative experimentation to be explored and to challenge the norms of predictable artmaking practices. The Biennale advocates a real cultural experience through combining the many different artworks created by many different artists instigating a global conversation about art. The Biennale occurs every two years in Sydney and brings such a cultural experience to the Sydney.

The 20th Biennale of Sydney is presented in seven main venues around Sydney and each location is known as an ‘embassy’, where they display different ideas however are connected. Having the exhibition spread over these venues is beneficial giving the audience variety in choice and a different experience depending on the venue. The

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