
Data Security Fraud Essay

Better Essays

Table of Contents
Executive summary 2
What is virus/worm? 3
Legal implication 4
What can companies do? 5
What are governments doing? 6
Classic cases 7
Conclusion 8
References 9

Executive summary

Data security issues are a serious challenge to everybody who utilizes PCs. The ascent of the PC as a typical business apparatus and the Internet as a typical method for business correspondence and trade have also made a situation those criminals with specialized information can adventure to go after the less actually insightful.
The cost of computer crime to business in the United States has ascended to $67 billion as per the 2005 FBI Computer Crime Survey. Not a day passes by that a PC security adventure or fraud plan stands out as truly newsworthy. The effect too little and medium measured organizations is gigantic. These organizations have minimal measure of assets to use to shield against programmer assaults and they endure a percentage of the biggest net economic effects when defrauded by an assault. The uplifting news is that there are some basic things an entrepreneur can do to extraordinarily decrease the threats of being exploited by a data security failure. Instruction and attention to the most predominant threats to business data and regularly misused security holes can rapidly close the way to a security occurrence. Pretty much as with conventional robbery attempts, the computer anti-socials will first search for the easy way out when attempting to soften up to a

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