
The Community Of Washington Park

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The 21st century has recently turned a corner, and many aspects of daily life have changed over the last 100 years: women have gained the right to vote, the black community finally made equal, child labor laws altered, and many more that define the great nation we live in. Nonetheless with these changes come great difficulties within our local communities, with struggles of supporting their family, battling addiction, and homelessness. However in the community of Washington Park, a struggle of cultural diversity has never been addressed to show the community the true value that it possesses. Division created by stereotypes, and racial labeling confine the capacity of open mindedness and acceptance that many residents within this country aim to acquire. The people who reside within this community would greatly benefit by broadening their point of views on cultural diversity.

Washington Park, a rural area located near the heart of Denver, is one of the least diverse areas in the country, while being placed in a city that is one of the most diverse cities in the country. Located directly next to Denver South High School, a public school that promotes its diversity by placing over 70 nationalities in one building, seems to be somewhat out of place. Most residents that live within the limits of Washington Park are primarily Caucasian with a finite amount of other ethnic backgrounds. This comparison remains to be ironic as a large student body that advocates for more diversity

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