
The City Of Ancient Rome

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The city of Ancient Rome was a major center for the regional and international trade of goods. Rome was colonized in the 8th century BC that expanded and soon became one of the largest empires during the time and is still one of the most famous cities in the world. In the beginning, the empire was only a small town located on the Timber River, which was used for trade. Over time, the city expanded over most of the territory around the Mediterranean Sea and was made up of more than one million people and grew into a trading post. By being centrally located in the middle of Italy, the empire had the ability to build from the Atlantic Ocean to Northern Egypt and capitalize on new resources and engineering. As the city expanded, the …show more content…

Trade was a vital aspect of life in Ancient Rome, and to trade, there is a need to produce your products. Agriculture was an essential part of the trade industry because the wealthy owned large portions of land to accommodate for their needs and the city required a surplus of goods and food supply to compensate for the steadily growing city and military. The expanding city allowed for more territory to be taken across the region and allowed for more farmland that could be used to help produce things like cereals, wine, and olives, and contribute to paying for the urban growth. The production industry also allowed for more jobs to be provided and continued the social class structure, while investing into the commercial industry during the period. By having self-sufficient agriculture played a significant role in the region 's developments, capitalism, labor, cultivation, and breeding, which all encouraged trade.

As most of the world at this time used water sources as the primary form of trade routes, Ancient Rome was celebrated for the vast system of roads, which allowed for worldly products from far off places to be continually exchanged amongst nearby regions. Due to the placement of the city, with its central location and close access to waterways, they could receive resources from all areas of the world in an easy and affordable way. By road access, there were always possible routes for trade no matter the weather,

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