
Attending College Cause And Effect Essay

Decent Essays

Causes and Effects of Attending College College has been a place where people can get knowledge. Attending college is a better way to be successful persons and get many opportunities in the future. Unless great knowledge harder to find a good job. Every student has a different reason to study in college, where they can learn their interested subject. It will help them to achieve a degree in their own field. Another benefit going college is understanding of different cultures and religions around the world. However, there are many drawbacks. Many people who spend many years attending college instead doing jobs they cannot earn enough money. Some student learns bad habits of their friends. Two reasons going to college are a better career and greater knowledge; two effects of going college are making friends and debt. One important reason going to college is to make better career. Many colleges provide student intern locally on their own majors. It is a great chance to get experience in real job practical knowledge during the degree program. So, they can develop their skills before complete degree. After finishing the degree, high ranking companies offer job by on campus hiring program so, it is a great chance to get a better job as well as higher pay. without a college degree is harder to get a good job with high salary. Even though, people have great working skill, they miss a lot of opportunity because of not having a degree certificate. For example, we can see many

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