
The Case Of Serial Killer Aileen Wuornos

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In discussion of the case of serial killer Aileen Wuornos, the attachment and life course theories can be applied. Ms. Wuornos was neglected and abused by her guardians multiple times, which led her to a life of criminal activity. She began with small-scale crimes at an early age and eventually escalated to murder. This paper explores how the attachment theory played a major part in the life (and death) of a serial killer and how many lives could have been saved had Aileen’s circumstances been different. This paper also explains how Aileen Wuornos was a career criminal and how that plays a role in her escalation of crimes.

Over the course of one year, from 1989 to 1990, Aileen Wuornos murdered seven men. As one of the first female serial killers, Ms. Wuornos prompted psychologists and criminologists to investigate the reason why women kill serially, as their motives differ from men. Historically, female serial killers murder by poison, which is considered less messy, therefore preferred by women, and their motives are typically financial. Aileen Wuornos murdered her victims with a gun and her motives differ from the norm. Through the application of the ideas of the attachment theory and the life course theory, further exploration into the causes of Aileen Wuornos’ crimes is achieved. From the time of her birth, Aileen Wuornos experienced abandonment and neglect. As an infant, Aileen’s 15-year-old mother, Diane, would leave her daughter to cry for

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