
The Broca's Brain: The Parts Of The Brain

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Your best friend invites you over for pizza and a friendly game of cards. The parts of the brain that will be invovled during your evening are going to be the functions that we use in our common sense scenerio. Meaning our everyday lives. The more abstract things like memory from past meetings, our ability to have a conversation, the images your eyes take in, your inner ear, and the association area of the brain. These functions relate back to using the broca's area, hippocompus, hypothalamus, and the occipital lobe.

Our ability to partisipate in a conversation is made possible using our temporal lobe and the broca's areas of the brain. The broca's area is responsible for our speech production, comprehending language processing these languages, and helping a person to control facial neurons. These bundles of anatomical fibers can be found in the frontal lobe of the cortex. Composed of the pars triangular and the pars operculas; two primary parts. The pars triangular can be located in the broca's area. This part of the brain is believed to help interpret multiple modes of stimulus. the broca's area is where we organize and respond to verbal conducts. The pars opercularis can be found in the broca's area of the brain; supporting only one stimulus mode. Pars opercularis assist with coordinating the organ's used for producing speech and language because it is located near the area's of the brain that are related to our motor skills. …show more content…

These elongated ridges assist with our autonomic nervous system and storing. This limbic system structure is important in forming new memories and connecting our emotions and senses. Smell and sound can be connected by the hippocompus. Our hippocompus acts as a memory indexer sending these memories to the appropriate parts of the cerebellum for long-term storage and can be retrieved if deemed nessecary for functions such as unification of

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