
The Bolshevik Revolution Of 1917

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1. Introduction. Architecture should not be separated from the political and social life of human-beings. On the contrary, “throughout the history, architects have always been involved to some extent in politics, and have a nearly always sought positions of power and influence’’. Communist ideology in the Soviet Union had a huge impact on the architectural development of many modern nations: Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Azerbaijan. The amount of affected countries makes the topic of my analysis relevant and worth-discussing. My essay will be structured in a following way. I argue that communist ideology had an …show more content…

For example, many buildings in the newly sovereign post-colonial states portray ethnic, cultural and religious patterns in order to cause nationalistic feelings among the populations. I totally agree with Miodrag Suvakovic’s argument, which claimed that ‘‘architecture is a political and ideological practice that uses its techno-aesthetic and techno-artistic strategies to participate in the organisation of individual and collective human life’’. In my view, the most interesting architectural distinguish is between liberal and extremely socialist (such as communist) political ideologies. Liberal ideologies are more open, free and creative than socialist ones, which usually are practical rather than beautiful or unusual. Thus, I can claim that liberal ideologies are more intellectually stimulating for architects because there are often less rules and requirements for their work. Socialist ideologies imply that usually there is a certain architectural plan and a set of rules that you have to follow and hence, architects in socialist countries are rarely required to «think outside the box». Many constructions in liberal states are built by individual entrepreneurs, whose aim is to generate wealth and money. That results in higher levels of overall attractiveness of buildings and the usage of different and sometimes unusual materials for their construction. New York is a perfect example of a city, which was fully built under the

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