
The Australian Multicultural Foundation ( Amf )

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Workforce diversity has enabled organisation to gain competitive advantage in terms of improving service, effective organisational culture and employee satisfaction (Bradetitch, Rahman, Reynolds, 2013). However, the success rate of diversity training is dependent on the level of engagement and commitment of the management and the employees as the nature of the global economy have reversed the homogenous society to become the heterogeneous trend (Willard, 2003, Mor-Barak, 2005).

Workplace Diversity

The Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) has published a training program resource manual in 2010 produced by Robert Bean Consulting about Managing Cultural Diversity. The training program highlights the evolution of diversity training in Australia and comprehensive sections of managing diversity in the workplace, developing an organisational and personal competence and providing cultural diversity training workshops. The training manual explains the term ‘diversity’ as “the significant difference between people, including perceptions of differences, that need to be considered in particular situations and circumstances” (AMF, 2010, p.8). It also states that “the most significant differences are the least obvious” including thinking styles or beliefs and values while the most apparent and multiple dimensions of diversity such as gender, culture, religion, family status, age ethnicity, sexual orientation, education, language and work experience were suggested

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