
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Group Work

Good Essays

Was this experience of group work new for everyone in the group? Which elements of this group work were your group especially unfamiliar with?
Group work was not new as we have participated in group projects in previous courses. However, forming our own groups with other students that we have not met before was a challenge in the time frame allocated. In most cases, professors would assign students to groups when group work is limited in time as well as provide the contact information in advance to allow for a smoother introduction and planning. Also, the experience was a fast-paced exercise. Being required to submit an academic paper that is 8-10 pages in length proved to be a challenge in five days. The academic paper was also hard to …show more content…

In terms of disadvantages of this specific task, time allocated for the exercise was limiting and made communication difficult as the group could only meet in person once as members have other courses to attend as well as work. Therefore, most communication and group discussions/editing were conducted online on Facebook and the shared google document itself.

What did this experience bring you? What does it bring compared to a class taught by the professor? What are the sources of dissatisfaction of this group work? What do you suggest to improve this exercise?
This experience definitely brought a more in-depth look at some of these authors and topics, whereas instead of simply digesting the information through our individual perspectives, we were able to learn from each other and explore different levels of interpretation. In the same fashion, it differs from a lecture due to these multiple opinions it encourages. Dissatisfaction came from the overall goal, more than anything, as creating a thesis based essay as a group is hard enough with such limited time. However, answering the various topic questions in the process made it even more difficult. While it was most likely designed to help provide direction and organization, it quickly becomes tricky to individually address these broad themes while maintaining a

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