
Texas A&M Kingsville Should Provide Ceiling Fans to Different Areas of the School

Decent Essays

Texas A&M University Kingsville should provide ceiling fans to different areas of the school Description of Problem: The proposal is that most school areas including Texas A&M University Kingsville should provide fans in every part or unit of the school which includes the classrooms and your room areas. Fans are used mainly for creating a current of air or breeze, especially a machine using an electric motor to rotate and in order to move air that is used for cooling the area. The problem of the proposal leading to making a change in convincing the school to provide fans in different areas can come in many different ways. There are several problems that I want to discuss that leads to schools providing fans to different areas. It includes that without fans in the school area it can affect your health status, it can lead to dehydration in which your body loses more water than it takes in and it can also lead to death. The first problem of the fans not being provided to different parts of the school area is that it can lead to affecting your health. In general, a fan helps to cool the surrounding when people are inside their rooms during the day. When there is no presence of fan, most people would sweat and in a hot area with no cold atmosphere coming in through it could lead to suffocation due to the presence of much heat.
The second problem is that it can lead to dehydration. In this aspect where a place or a surrounding is hot you would sweat. This will

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