
Tesco Porter Value Chlain and Environmental Analysis

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Porter 's Value Chain is a chain of activities for a firm operating in a specific industry. According to Lynch (2003) it can defined as the links between key value adding activities and their interface with the support activities. The five primary activities namely inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and service are more important in value adding process than support activities: firm infrastructure, human resources, technology development and procurement, so focus will be given to primary activities as they are crucial for distinguishing the strengths and weaknesses of Tesco 's performance. The overall cost leadership strategic management of Tesco is exhibited in its lean and agile inbound …show more content…

Tesco is one of the largest food and grocery retailer in the world operating around 4,400 stores (Tesco, 2010). The business environment in which company operates is a highly turbulent competitive segment, which according to political, social events, performance of global economy and technology developments is constantly changing. Pestel, SWOT, Porter 's Five Forces are frameworks that can be used to discuss and evaluate recent changes in Tesco external environment.

The waves of globalisation and privatisation have a great impact upon retailing sector, which changed radically over last two decades. In the past Tesco could be content to sell to a local or regional market and make a decent income. In today 's world all successful businesses are going global in order to maximise profits and take advantage of untapped markets. The changes, except of globalisation aspects involve advancements in technology, rise in competitive rivalry, political, legal issues and marketing.

Technology is playing a vital role in the expansion of global retail. Consumers can find most of the products they buy online, through various retailers, compare prices, thus choose the best offer. Companies like Tesco must have a large online presence if they want to be successful over a long period of time. Tesco must compete with other retailers on price and/or try to provide benefits in other ways. This lead to

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