
Technology : The Use Of Technology And The Internet

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I agree with David Brooks that technology is decreasing our attention span, however, I think the internet is a useful tool. Nevertheless, people use technology to the fullest degree. We would benefit in many ways from finding information in other places. Fluid intelligence is used when online, although, crystallized intelligence is used when reading a printed document. Both intelligences are very important to have.
First, the internet gives anyone the ability to emerge in or learn anything on our own. For example, you can look at the whole world with “Google Maps”, see wildlife by searching “live wildlife cam”, even go skydiving if someone uploaded a video of it. Also, the amount of learning material on the internet is crucial to students today. This shows us, the reasons why the internet has become the main place to find information. With the use of the internet people are able to ask anything without feel judged.
Second, all of the advertisements on the internet make it hard to focus. For instance, I find that my son has a difficult time playing educational games on my tablet for long periods of time, but he has been able to play with his toys for hours. I think the games that he can see all around the game he is currently playing severely distracts him. I even bring in distractions when learning online for the sake of ads. For example, I find myself shopping for shoes instead of doing my homework, and I know I’m not the only one. I always try to turn my volume off

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