
Tax Reformation Common Ground

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The tax policy in the United States is very confusing. When the tax policy was originally written in 1913 it was four hundred pages. Now, over the past ninety one years, that tax policy has evolved to over 72,000 pages. Since the tax code has become so lengthy and nearly impossible to understand, the topic of tax reform has been in the minds of many. Although, most barely think about tax reform until tax season. It is a controversial subject due to the impact a change in tax code would have on the American people. The two most popular and widely known stakeholders in this debate are the two major political parties in the United States, the Democrats and the Republicans. The two parties share absolutely no common ground on the subject of …show more content…

Garrett 2
For example, if the tax rate is seven percent and one person makes one thousand dollars they would pay seventy dollars to the government. While someone that only made one hundred dollars would pay seven dollars to the government; this they may deem unfair.
The common ground the two parties would meet on would be a flat tax. So, any household that is classified as on or below the poverty line will not be taxed whatsoever. Then the tax amount for everyone else would be chosen based off of the governments projected spending amount for that year, and incorporating the idea of reducing the deficit. It would take a lot of work to get implemented, not only would the idea have to be adopted by both parties, it would have to be supported by two of the three branches of government. The bill would begin in the House of Representatives, after being passed there it would move to a vote with the Senate. If the bill continues to be passed it will move to the executive branch where it can either be signed of vetoed by the president, although a veto can be overridden with a two-thirds vote from Congress. Once it is passed the existing tax code would have to be completely thrown out and the flat tax implemented. But this is not simply a month long process, the timeline for a flat tax to be implemented would likely be about four years. It is a lengthy process, but one that is well worth the wait.
While only economists can predict how a flat tax would impact

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