
Taking a Look at Cuban Culture and History

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Cuba. The well-known island all over the world and located ninety miles south of Florida is the largest island of the West Indies. The island is popular for its natural beauty and cultural heritages. After the Cuban revolution that took place in 1950s, Batista regime was overthrown and new government was formed which was led by Fidel Castro. Since then Cuba was ruled by Fidel Castro until recently. In 2008, because of Fidel Castro’s illness, his brother Raul Castro replaced him. Many Cubans supported the Cuban revolution in the hope of seeing changes in Cuba; however after Castro seized the power in 1959, many left Cuba to find the better life and live free from the communist government in Cuba.
OUT OF CUBA memoir of a Journey is story …show more content…

When Regina said that she would help him to get out of Cuba, he replied, “ I’ve heard it all before. This is just another empty promise”(Anavy 49). Many young Cubans like Teseo are desperate to just get out of Cuba because they see no future there and there are no any hope for the changes either.
In chapter six “ The battle of Ideas”, Anavy writes about her trip to research education in Cuba. There she explains the government controls the education system. In the library, they are only allowed to keep the books those are selected by the government. She points out that the workers can only do the things those are permitted by the government, say the things that government wants to hear, whether they believed in it or not. After meeting many people, Anavy admires the Teseo’s bravery even more because not a lot of people can openly criticize the government without fearing the consequences. Anavy reveals the real situation of Cuba through the story of real Cuban people like Teseo. She writes that “Independent literature was a big issue in Cuba”, so the works that were not authorized to sell in the market can be found in the black market easily. Because of the government control over everything, the many services that were banned can be found under the table (Anavy 79). In another chapter of the book, Anavy tells the story of conversation between her and Teseo through the Internet. The Cuban Internet is among the most tightly controlled in the world.

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