
Syrian Civil War Dbq

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With a death toll in the hundred of thousands, and millions displaced, the Syrian civil war has become a violent mark on the world’s history. What started as a peaceful protest has spread over five years, has evolved into a war with a tyrannical government, a clashing rebellion, and terrorism fighting either side. But what is it that really fuels the immense amount of violence? It can be narrowed down to four groups that are obvious. The government and the rebels are the forerunners in violence in the war, sure, but they aren’t the only ones. There are the terrorist groups, with skewed views to support the destruction of people and things around them, and in itself the stark difference of the religions and ethnicities of Syria. Who causes …show more content…

In document B it is stated that “ with a Sunni-dominated opposition facing off against an Alawite heavy regime… Sunnis and Alawites increasingly hold one another collectively responsible for violations real and percieved. This… has given rise to a grim, self-perpetuating cycle of sectarian violence.” In document C it is stated that “ Most of the shabiha are Alawites, and resentment against them run high: many people accuse them of killing thousands of unarmed civilians.” Sunnis being the majority of Syria, shows that in the end having a minority rule a majority leads to nothing good. This violence stretches to before the civil war, but continues to be a constant fuel for the civil war, as tensions between the two ethnic and religious groups never seems to lessen. Whether or not either side is right or wrong is not the point, as long as this conflict continues between the groups and the alawites stay in power, there will always be rebellion, which will always lead to harsh response. Overall, the tension and violence not only provided one of many catalysts for the civil war, but also a fuel source for …show more content…

In document E multiple solid points are brought up on the influence of ISIS on the rebellion : “ ISIS has changed the course of the Syrian war. It has forced the mainstream Syrian opposition to fight on two fronts… ISIS is a group with an international profile and and extremeist view of Islamic rule. And it has shown its readiness to take on any Syrians it doesn’t like opposition or regime supporters. “ This gives us a wild card among the violence, one that causes violence for both sides, which is just like stirring the pot. It weakens the rebellion, causing to fight two things, and will provide fuel until people stop supporting the group, which could be

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