
Symbolism In The Translation Of Dr. Apelles

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Deep within the forest, destiny brings two young Native American lovers closer together after a series of unforeseen tragedies, but not without the help of nature and the animals within the woods. In the novel, The Translation of Dr. Apelles, specifically within the storyline related to Bimaadiz and Eta, animal imagery for the pair are associated with the hope and love for their relationship while animals for the other villagers relate to violence, these animals are a plot device that drive the storyline ensuring that Bimaadiz and Eta remain a couple and eventually marry. Animal symbolism associated with the hope for and love within Bimaadiz and Eta’s relationship is seen in their interactions with wolves, deer, moose, and a pack of dogs. Contrastingly, other villages interactions with these animals symbolize violence and oftentimes death.
In this novel, animals are used as plot devices to save Bimaadiz and Eta from death and capture. The first experience with animal imagery and Eta in the novel is when her village has died of starvation and as the only survivor she meets a she-wolf who she suckles from to survive: “With the rough nipple in front of her face, she latched on and began sucking” (Treuer 19). If it wasn’t for Eta’s interaction with the wolf, she would have died. The she-wolf was able to save her life and because of that, her story and relationship with Bimaadiz was able to unfold later. The dead villagers have an extremely different interaction with wolves: “If there had been anyone to see it, what happened next would have looked like the most awful of massacres...All that remained were the half-eaten corpses of the villagers. The bodies were badly damaged along with all the tunics and moccasins and gloves they wore” (17-21). Eta’s deceased villagers have a more violent experience with the wolves when they are eaten by them. The word “massacre” and description of half-eaten corpses is an indication of the violent nature in which the villagers were eaten by the wolves. It was necessary for Eta survive for her storyline with Bimaadiz to continue, so she was saved by the she-wolf but the other villagers were not necessary to the story and suffered a violent end. Bimaadiz has a similar experience to

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