
Symbolism In The Secret Lion By Alberto Alvaro Rios

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Lots of things change when you age. That treehouse that your dad built for you when you were little is not just a treehouse anymore, instead, it serves as a reminder of how gentle and careful he was. Similar to the treehouse, the symbols used in the short story, The Secret Lion by Alberto Alvaro Rios, show the readers how the boys’ perspectives on things change as they get older. When they were young, the narrator and his friend Sergio liked to play at the arroyo to pass time. One day, they found a grinding ball which they suspect must have been used for mining. The cannonball was something perfect in an imperfect world, innocence in an adult world, and it was something they wanted to keep forever, just like how kids will always want to be kids. They boys knew that they were going to have to hide the metal ball or else it was going to get taken away, which means that they are growing and becoming more aware of how unfair the world is. …show more content…

The boys went there to yell about teachers, school, and just about anything to alleviate the stress. Going to the arroyo was a sign of rebellion, something they mastered as they grew older. The construction waste that would pollute the waters in the arroyo hit the boys with the reality that the arroyo was not as perfect as they thought when they were kids. Everything in their childhood loses a bit of its magic as they grow older, just like how the waters became tainted with

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